Monday, May 11, 2015

Final 422 Blog Musing

Looking back on my previous journal postings, I feel that my beliefs about using technology has changed greatly. Initially, I was proficient with using technology and was able to quickly pick up the new skills we learned in each class session. However, I was still a little uneasy about the idea of incorporating technology in the classroom. My thoughts about technology in the classroom was very naive as I believed that it could be detrimental. I thought that this new digital age was moving in a direction where kids could lose their interpersonal skills and that it may hinder their personal development. Little did I know, this was not the case.

I learned so much from this class, from creating a blog to creating an electronic signature. I genuinely enjoyed each activity we did in class and will take away the knowledge and skills from this class with me as I enter into the teaching field. Technology definitely enhances a student's learning as I have been able to experience it first hand. Collaborative learning, innovative projects, and learning responsibilities are just a few things I have learned more about during this course. One of my favorite projects from this class was creating my teacher website. It was fun to learn about all the online resources available and having the opportunity to showcase my creativity on the website.

After this course, I feel confident enough to incorporate technology in my high school classroom. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and skills of technology with my students. I feel that it is necessary to keep up with this ever growing technological age and I look forward to learning more about it. I will continue to research and learn about technological resources that I may apply into my future class.

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