Friday, March 27, 2015

Random Thoughts About Teaching & Learning

The article by Terry Heick, 25 Random Thoughts About Teaching & Learning, was a fun article to read and sparked a few thoughts of my own:

That teachers don't always know the right answer.

That technology is going to advance like crazy in the next 10 years.

That parents and administrators should side with teachers rather than go against them.

That teachers are put into a classroom to make a difference.

That teachers should remember to stay youthful and remember why they entered this profession.

That students won't know unless they try.

That students need to start engaging in more face-to-face interactions.

That learning occurs for both the teacher and student.

That even though we may think we know it all, we really don't.

That 20 years from now I will still enjoy what I do and teaching will still be my passion.


Angela M: That change can be a s l o w process, but every step forward is significant.
I like this thought because I think it can be addressed to both the students and the teachers. Personally, I am not a huge fan of change, I tend to prefer consistency. However, to be in the education system I must learn to be more flexible and adapt quick to change. This is something I am continuously working on everyday.

Tommy R: That time spent working hard is very important, but also time spent resting the mind is almost as important.
A balance in life is extremely important. The fact that I can go into a career that I am passionate about is a great feeling, but I will need to learn to how to incorporate family, friends, and me time with my career. There is so much work that comes along with being a teacher so it is vital that us teachers learn how to balance such a busy schedule. I hope that sometime in the future I can rest my mind while traveling the world!:)

Heick, T. (2015). 25 Random thoughts about teaching & learning. Retrieved from:


  1. Hello Camille, your thoughts that sparked my interest are: "That teachers don't always know the right answer" and "That teachers are put into a classroom to make a difference" I strongly agree with those two thoughts because the point of being a teacher is not to prove that you know everything, but to motivate and inspire students to learn.

  2. Hello Camille, your thoughts that sparked my interest are: "That teachers don't always know the right answer" and "That teachers are put into a classroom to make a difference" I strongly agree with those two thoughts because the point of being a teacher is not to prove that you know everything, but to motivate and inspire students to learn.
